Just stressing

Yup, busy busybusy. But, at least my LOMA 301 exam is now done. I knew it was gonna be a toughie, and it was. But when I was into 20 questions out of the 75, all the systems in the lab rebooted themselves! and then, a mini-panic ensued as we attempted to trace down the Ed Rep to re-connect our systems so we could re-login and continue!! *phew* So, anyhow, I passed. Not as spectacularly as the previous two exams, but with a decent margin nonetheless 🙂

And now, to try to get through the rest of the day while contacting the hundreds of folks I have to contact… followed by a private lingerie shopping experience 🙂 (get your minds out of the gutters! My sister-in-law works at Lingerie & Companie downtown and they’re holding a special sales event tonight from 6pm-9pm :> )

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