x-posted to the NaNoWriMo Montreal/Quebec Forum:
Broke 13k tonight, although I was 2k short of the goal I set for myself. Granted, it was still 4k in total, but… I like challenging myself and pushing myself forward but I guess this time 6k was too much to ask 🙂
However, it’s only a quarter to 10pm, and I can technically write for a couple of more hours before having to pass out… but I also need rest :>
When I see the rankings now, I keep thinking how I could simply add my current count to the finished novel, but then think how that wouldn’t be right. Two distinctive works, written in two completely different styles, mean they should be covered differently. So there.
Chapter 3 is finished and our main character has now suffered a physical death, and a psychic death… or did he? Hm. (twisted grin)
More revealed next chapter as we are introduced to those who are stuck between life and death!
(thank you for indulging me)