So, here I am, having just broken the 27k point without any true realization (unlike when I broke the 20k barrier). I’m now at 27,487 words.
I realize I still have a way to go, but at least that way is less than half of where I’ve come already! Yet, I also realize that although I’m still moving, I’m not moving as quickly as I have been up to now. It is getting a bit more difficult, but one thing it is NOT is a chore. This is still a blast and I’m thoroughly enjoying this experience much more than I ever thought I would. Really, I feel quite in my element, which is wonderful. Always nice to remind yourself what it is you truly love doing
I have begun to wonder though when my next “whoa!” moment will come. Will it be past 35k? Will it be at the 40 or 45k point? I’m curious to see…
For now, it’s time to break again. No need burning myself out when I’m putting out a decent +3k nightly average. Besides, it is the weekend and I am expecting to do a lot more this weekend (as long as the inspiration keeps flowing)
Either way, I’m looking forward to meeting a bunch of the Montreal NaNo group in person on Sunday. The West Island Meetup this past Wednesday, short though it was, did give me a good boost which added almost 10k to my output. I can only imagine what Sunday will bring… :>