Don’t stop believing.
It’s the song that’s currently playing on my CD and it’s actually speaking to me.
I broke the 20k barrier tonight. 5 days into the NaNo challenge and I broke 20 THOUSAND words. Can you believe it? My actual count is now 20,743 words. I’m at a complete loss for words (to speak – not to write) and found myself an almost emotional basket case.
I may be writing a lot, but this is still quite significant to me. As I mentioned at the West Island Meetup earlier tonight, I have written plenty of stories before, but, due to necessity and requirements, they’ve always been short stories. A part of me wondered if I would ever or COULD ever write anything longer. This is just more “proof in the pudding” for me.
Forgive my swearing, but I’m just so Fucken Glad that I decided to do this. And I’m so Fucken Happy that Chantale gave me her blessing to spend whatever time I needed to do this. It is the most important “psychiatric” soul-cleansing I’ve ever done and it comes at the most opportune moment in my life considering all the massive life changes that have gone on this year: New Job Role, New House, New Wife, New Car, and my First Novel.
Close your eyes. Breathe. Drink it in. I’m floating beyond Cloud Nine. Thank you, my love. You’re my inspiration. You always have been, and you always will be…