It was a little slow-going tonight. I got caught in that pretty bad ice storm on the way home which meant I got to walk home fighting the cold, the wind, and the ice rain pelting me and my little umbrella. 35 minutes walk home from the train, in almost pitch black, with cars spraying me and causing my legs to freeze, made me wonder how I would even make it home.
I did, of course, suffering, wet, cold, and in pain. I stripped as soon as I walked into the door and went to run a warm bath to try to make the cold go away. It did, but even now 3 hours later, my knees still hurt from the cold of the wind and rain and wet pants. I’m making sure I’m taking plenty of vitamin C as I’m in no mood to get sick! Heck, my flu shot isn’t until Thursday morning! 🙂
My wrists are also aching tonight. It started late last night so I had to find my wrist wraps to ensure I don’t carpal tunnel myself out of NaNo!! I managed to get in another 2700 words which brought me up to 17,552. It’s the least amount of writing I’ve done so far, but I don’t mind. I need a little break. 🙂