Day 3 Roundup

I was about to run a poll to see if those reading are tired of my posts on NaNoWriMo. Then I realized that besides the fact that many of you are in the same challenge, this journal is about what’s on my mind and obviously, the challenge is. I also figured that if you’re reading me then you’re at least a little interested in what’s going on in my life and brain and thus don’t mind my NaNo posts. And if you do mind… move along.

Now, in regards to the actual challenge, I have this to say: I, for one, am doing this mainly for myself.

I am a writer and have been for years, all the while holding down a regular day-job which takes up a hell of a lot of my time and energy. However, I’ve never attempted to challenge myself in this manner before and am taking NaNo in order to do that and push myself beyond anything I’ve ever accomplished before.

Happily, no one in my family is suffering and neither is my day job. I may be a little more sleep-deprived than usual, but even that is for a good cause. What I’ve written so far is not crap even if it is probably a lot of run-on. Heck, it’s all part and parcel of the going through the motions of this project. It’s not a race, it’s something I have to do.

I don’t care when I finish, but finish it I will. I’m determined to do so. And seeing other people’s word counts only inspires me to keep trudging along. In fact, after a weekend of being in the top, I’m happy to be in second place for Montreal (I’m at 14,840 words and the person in first is at 16,261 words). Less pressure to perform 🙂 It is kind of cool, I must admit, to be in 103rd place out of 24,400 participants…

And now, off to bed with me.

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