Killing Time

Chantale had an awards meeting at her old branch yesterday. She actually ended up walking away with a number of awards! Way to go, amore! 🙂 The loot, when totalled, turned out to be enough Famous Players cash to get us into a movie a week for the next month. Tres, tres, cool 🙂

So, we went home, had a lovely supper, then headed out to watch Kill Bill Vol 1. I have to admit that I was shocked. Utterly horrific. I did NOT expect THAT level of violence and especially gore! Yes, it’s Tarantino. Yes, I love his work. But this time it’s as though he needed to take it to the utmost level. In fact, I have to also admit that it was in his origin-telling of one of the characters, done entirely in block-animation style, which totally revulsed me. Just because it was animated does not mean it is allowed to be even MORE brutal and horrific than live-action.

Luckily, that was the worst of it. Yes, even when Uma goes up against what looks like a hundred goons and rips them all to pieces, it didn’t seem as violent as the cartoon. Perhaps because it was more of the type of scenes I’m used to (person fighting for their life) as opposed to the cartoon (utter degradation and sheer joy of killing). Heck, the first view of “Go-Go”s mania is just as bad.

I’m still too shocked to rate this. All I do know, is that bastard Tarantino knows how to jerk his audience. With the way the movie ends, you HAVE to find out what happens in Vol 2…

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