A buddy at work (hey Marc! have you decided to join LiveJournal yet?! 🙂 ), knowing that I’ll be spending November on NaNoWriMo, was kind enough to loan his GameCube System to Chantale for the duration of the project. Considering that he’s drowning in work and school projects, the system wouldn’t and won’t be missed.
So, we got the game this past Saturday and Chantale spent some time testing it out. Needless to say, while she played, I got things ready for NaNo thus getting some exposure to what it will be like: me in the basement writing, she upstairs playing GameCube. Initial thoughts? It’s just not the same. I guess I’ve gotten used to her being next to me playing on the Super Nintendo while I worked on the computer. Finding myself alone down there, even with music playing on the stereo behind me, just wasn’t the same. A small element of “lonliness” creeped into the mix.
This will obviously be an extra incentive for me. Get to the 50k mark as quickly as possible so I can get back to hanging out with my bestest-buddy/friend/lover: my wife 🙂 Until then, I will, of course, be an GameCube Widow… 🙂