Tired Today…

Was up and on the road before realizing that I hadn’t set back my clock this morning. No big deal, I felt more that I had gained an hour to do stuff than lost an hour to sleep. Didn’t help as much as I thought at the stores, though, as they were pretty packed.

At any rate, this lazy, rainy, cold, Sunday has been spent cleaning up, doing laundry, etc. Chantale’s got an Apple Crumble in the oven as is coming over for supper tonight with his significant other. It’ll be about time he gets to see the Wedding pictures, I must say! 🙂

I figured I’d jump online quickly and see what’s going on. Since things seem to be pretty quiet here, I’ll go rest and/or read for a bit. It’s not that often (hardly ever!) that I get a chance to just lounge around 🙂

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