Chantale took me to see “Under the Tuscan Sun” yesterday night. She didn’t really have to as I would have wanted to see it any how, but since she was going out with a friend of hers, they asked if I wanted to come along.
Diane Lane. Italy. How could I say NO? 🙂 I saw the previews and didn’t think of it as a Chick Flick. But then again, I was one of only 3 guys in the theatre last night so someone must be labelling it that way 🙂
It was an interesting and fun movie. Not at all boring. The scenery was beautiful, characters were rich, and they got the “Italian way of Life” quite right. Yup, those characters… I recognized many of them 🙂
There were actually quite a number of quotes in the movie that I loved and wished I could remember all. However, I’m sure I’ll come across the book one day and will definitely pick it up. The one that sticks out the most is: “Never lose your childish innocence”. Says a lot.
On another note, I didn’t get a chance to mention yesterday how Sunday night, Chantale’s soccer team (The Grapes of Wrath) won 1-0 against The Devils. The only goal scored was by none other than my lovely bride! 🙂 (yes, I was at John Abbott cheering her on 🙂 ). I have to admit watching them play made me miss doing so. I haven’t played indoor soccer in almost 15 years… yowtch.
Ah well. Life changes. Constantly. 🙂