
What a wonderful surprise I got today 🙂

I recently was contacted by someone who came across my interview with Len Strazewski of many years back. She was in the process of writing an article and wanted to talk to me about him.

I answered all her questions and she told me what it was all about. I teased him about having referred to me as a “nice fellow” and how I still have his signed JSA frame which he dedicated to “My Montreal Pal!” 🙂

Well, low and behold, he just emailed me to thank me for being a source and asking how things are going with me 🙂 What a nice feeling to re-connect with an old friend like that 🙂 Too cool. I told him Comicopia is still going strong, having just celebrated 13 years, and promised to send him an issue soon.

That was a really nice email to receive and sure made my afternoon 🙂

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