Hey! It’s James’ 9th Birthday today! 🙂 He’s currently playing on the table behind me with Melyssa, putting together his birthday gift: The Warrior’s Fortress Dragons set 🙂 Ya gotta love Mega-Bloks! 🙂 And, I must admit, these Dragons sets are really pretty cool 🙂
Let’s see if he has something to say about his birthday: “I hope it’s really good”
(snicker) He’s too busy having fun, as it SHOULD be! 🙂 I’ll be taking him (and Melyssa) to Dundees for a late lunch this afternoon and he’s quite excited to be ordering himself another Shirley Temple 🙂
In other news… twas quite the storm last night, eh? Wow it poured down upon us so quickly we weren’t able to get the windows closed in time before soaking certain indoor sections 🙂 Btw, Alan, been hoping you guys are ok there in Maryland. Local news stated how the power’s been out there and might be for the next 3 to 7 days.