Wow. Is the day over already? I can’t believe how quickly it went.
Chantale’s parents came over this afternoon prior to our going out to bring James a gift. Then, the kids and I headed out to Dundees for a tasty lunch. When we came back home, my parents and sister dropped in for a quick visit and cake. It had been quite some time since they were last here so I showed them everything that was new 🙂
When they left, the kids got to play for a bit before bath and movie! James decided he wanted to watch Cats & Dogs and that’s what we did. It was fun and somewhat surprising that he hadn’t seen it yet.
Strangely enough, about an hour into the movie, while they were both snuggling into me (I sat between them on the couch and we had a blanket over us) Melyssa whispered “I miss you, Daddy”. I hugged her and kissed her on the head and told her it was ok and that I was right here, now. A few minutes more passed when she looked up with her sad little eyes and when I asked her what was wrong, she repeated “I miss you, Daddy” and started sobbing. Oh boy.
I hugged her again and kissed her again and told her I missed her too but that we were all together now and that things are going back to normal and that she would see me more often again. I agreed with her that three weeks was way too long but things would be ok again. She got some kleenex and I managed to reassure her enough that she settled back to watch the movie, always snuggled into me.
They’re both in bed now and hopefully will soon be asleep. I desperately needed a coffee but my new-fangled KitchenAid 12cup maker is NOT working. This does not make me a happy camper. Luckily, I still had my 10cup Philips close by so I hooked it in and made myself a pot. Hopefully my headache will go away soon…