And now a word…

Have two things to post but wanted to separate them. So, let’s begin here.

Yesterday, my father-in-law invited me to the Air Canada base to preview some planes. There was a show wherein different companies were presenting their planes for Air Canada to review for possible purchase. Actually, the order is for 4 Star Alliance partners.

Anyhow, it was really great to be able to walk around and inside the Boeing 717 (cool to see and hear about all the DC-9 parts used in this construction), the Airbus 319 (and seeing the new Airbus 318 and hearing about the Airbus 320 and 321), the Bombardier CRJ900/700/200, and the Embrauer from Australia.

Getting posters and souvenir goodies was an extra bonus, but just simply being able to inspect planes the way I would a car (minus the test-drive, sadly 🙂 ) was an incredible high.

The only bizarre feeling I had was standing in front of a 737 and picturing this magnificent craft being used as a missle. Now I have to tell you that I had NO recollection that TODAY was the 9-11 anniversary, so you can imagine how weirded out I felt this morning when that realization struck. But, yesterday night, looking at the plane, I was struck with sadness. Then, when I went into the plane, the first thing I did was go into the cockpit. Honestly, it was easy to see how the pilots could be attacked in there. It is very cramped. But, just as easily, I could see how quickly I would, even faced with a nut with a knife, have jumped in there and attacked the attackers (a la Pennsylvania). Then, walking through the aisles to exit from the back of the plane, I could almost see the ghosts of passengers sitting in those seats. It was all quite surreal.

This morning, with the radio playing broadcasts and tributes to the tragedy, I found myself thinking back and realizing how far I’ve come in those 2 years. Sad to think of how many of the victims could have been in similar positions and didn’t get the chance to.

Thus endeth my melancholy post.

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