Running all over!

Just had to pop in and say “howdy” to everyone out there in radio and tv-land!! (giggle). sorry 🙂

Honestly, being back at work and running through the grind of getting a zillion things done in less-than-a-zillion minutes makes me wonder why I’m back 🙂 Not that I’ve lost my “glow” from the amazing, spectacular, incredible, heart-warming, loving, beautiful, (just how many positive adjectives can I throw in here!) Wedding. 🙂

Comicopians, you will get to read the entire liturgy and speeches as I will include them in next issue. Non-Comicopians who are interested in reading the liturgy… I’d be happy to provide you a copy 🙂

That’s it for now. Gotta get back to the trenches. More pictures upcoming on the web site when time becomes available 🙂

Be good! Be well! Be happy! 🙂

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