I must admit, I was in my element last night.
After work, I headed to the gym for a good workout. Since I like saving the best for last, I started my workout as I usually do: a warm-up, a 5-minute sprint to loosen me up and get the sweat glands going, followed by some weightlifting. I ended off with 1300 meters on the Concept II rower. I loved it. Brought back the memories of being out on the Olympic Basin, water rushing around me, as I rowed to my heart’s content. *sigh* It’s too bad it’s so difficult to get there any more. If it were easier, it would be worth the cost (because the cost is high). As it is, it’s not cost-efficient. Looking for alternatives, I thought about Kayaking. I’ve got 2 Marinas close to where I live, and the Ile-Perrot Kayak Club meets at one of them. Perhaps it’s time to pay them a visit and see what their fees and hours are like. I *need* to be out on the water… as much as I’m an Earth Elemental, I am closest to Trees (Dryad!) and, as you know, trees need water to survive…
Anyhow, when I got off the train last night, Chantale and James were there to pick me up. When we got home, I realized Chantale was totally exhausted/ drained. I told her to go get cozy and let me take care of everything. With one hand I cooked the Herb Tortellini, with the other I whisked the Rose Sauce. With deftness and fluidity of motion, I had supper ready and we enjoyed a wonderful meal on our patio. Veggies, dip, olives, and pickles, brought some variety. For desert, some sweets. The meal leisurely consumed, I cleared the table and went to visit our new neighbors, presenting James to them. We spoke for a bit and I gave them contact numbers for the Grass and the Gutters. Afterwards, I got Chantale and James to come outside and throw around the Nerf Football with me It was a lot of fun. From there, we went inside and I got James to get ready for bed and then he went to play on the computer for a bit. Chantale relaxed and finished watching Mr. Destiny while I ran a couple of loads of laundy and washed the dishes.
James was sent to bed and when I went to tuck him in, he complained of an ear ache. At first I thought it was “swimmer’s ear” from the pool at camp. But, upon inspection, it looked much worse than that. It looked like an infection. And so, I sent him to bed and headed online. The kids’ clinic is not only online, but hooked up to their appointment calendars. They have all our information and thus I was able to book an appointment for James for tonight at 6pm, letting them know what’s wrong. He’s actually seeing a doctor he’s seen before so that’s cool, too. I updated all our contact information and it was all ready. I absolutely love technology and must say that I’m very, very impressed with what this website is capable of doing.
Finally, everything was settled, and I lay back on the couch with Chantale to watch an episode of Babylon 5 and enjoy some fruitcicles I had promised at the beginning of the day that I would have her resting in bed by 10pm and I did. (I, of course, took care of a few small items before settling in myself). It ended up feeling like a really good, productive, filled evening. Normally, it feels like nothing gets done and the night comes too quickly, but that wasn’t the case yesterday. It was good to have it flow the way it did