Living and Loving

Friday night was the first time in ages that I seriously missed The Savage Land BBS. Going to Picasso’s with Chantale and meeting up with Jeff and Dan was a lot of fun. Discussions/ conversations ranged the gamut of old TSLers and Comicopians and it has been AGES since we shared something like this. I really missed it. It was wonderful to be able to catch up and to reminisce as well. (and Jeff, you better get those photos sent my way!!!). While driving home after dropping Dan and Jeff off, I explained to Chantale how the evening had stirred in me the exact emotions I would always have after a Picasso’s GT wherein we’d all head home and go online to give our impressions of the night and continue any jokes we had started. Had TSL still been alive Friday, that’s what I would have done once we got home. What a bizarre, sad-but-happy, nostalgic night it turned out to be…

Chantale had a family bridal shower yesterday afternoon. Man, it was almost impossible getting her out of the house after she believed we weren’t doing anything at all. We had spent the morning working on our Liturgy and have almost completed it. But, I had to stop her near the end and get her to rush to get ready and go over to her parents. Boy, she was peeved 🙂 It all went well after dropping her off, though, as she was very happy to see everyone 🙂 Her mom hit upon a “wine theme” for the shower so all gifts were in relation to wine. You would think that you can’t go far with that… and you’d be wrong! So many beautiful gifts were given that our jaws dropped. At home last night, we carefully washed and dried all our new crystal glasses and decanters and placed them in our dining room hutch. Wow. Color us extremely grateful and touched; from the heart.

More life stories later…

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