Getting Better

Well, that seemed to have actually worked 🙂

Hex lifted for now, hopefully it’ll last, too! 🙂

Had lunch with Thorvald/Wrath of God and caught up on life in general. Haven’t seen him in 7 years and it was nice to touch base 🙂 He’s still as bloody tall as I remember him!! 🙂

Btw, , we’re having a Picasso’s GT this Friday since he’s in town 🙂 I can dump some old Comicopias on him to take back to Calgary 🙂 don’t know if you can make it to town, but if so, it would be a trip 🙂 , you know you’re welcome to join us as well if you’re inclined for some Picasso’s food 🙂

We’ll be there around 8pm.

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