Phew. Break time.
I dropped Chantale off at a friend’s place for 2:30pm as there was a scheduled/ surprise Bridal Shower for her 🙂 We woke up nice and leisurely this morning and eventually made our way to the shopping mall as we wanted to go to the Roots outlet. From there, we drove to our friend Debbie’s house. It was supposed to be her “annual” BBQ but I knew it wasn’t going to be 🙂 Chantale was obviously surprised and I left her there, blushing crimson, and headed back home.
I vacuumed the two floors, washed the tub, fixed one of our windows which wasn’t opening properly, and run (so far) 3 loads of laundy. Since I’m pretty tired (and sweating!) I figured I’d take a break before tackling the dishes. phew. Of course, now seeing the clock makes me wonder about that! Sheesh! I need a break, too!!!
Last night we went out on a movie date 🙂 We went to the Kirkland Coliseum and saw The Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a really good movie but I must say I’m somewhat shocked that (a) it was a Disney movie, and (b) it was rated G. General Admission? Nope. I would not take children to see this movie. I could easily imagine James and Melyssa freaking out over all the violence and skeletons.
After that thoroughly enjoyable movie, Chantale was quite taken with Johnny Depp. As I knew she would be. He’s quite the handsome cad after all 🙂 So suave and debonnair that he can still mesmorize the female audience even with a mouth full of gold-capped teeth and in serious need of a bath! Sheesh 🙂
From there, we headed out to Second Cup to unwind with some java and just spend some time chatting. Very enjoyable evening, I must say… 🙂 I have, however, come to the full realization that I very much dislike Second Cup’s coffee. Their frozen stuff is great, but their regular drip… yuck. Ah well. Luckily there are plenty of other choices available 🙂