

Yes, Gak. Son of Gook. Beloved Leader of Gobble-Dee.


I’m feeling somewhat giggly. Is that a happy/ tired combination? Must be 🙂

I’m tired because I’m so whelmed with work that I’m over. I’m slogging through it, though, as I have no choice but to finish 3 big projects by tomorrow since I’m off next week. And, of course, what’s a vacation without massive stress the week before?

But, what the heck. It’s time to prove I’ve got what it takes to lead a team of 6 responsible for several million-dollar applications for which many departments make million-dollar decisions on. I guess that’s where the giddy stress comes in. 🙂 Good thing I’m a writer. It makes it easier for me to state my cases.

In other rambling thoughts…
– I started hitting the gym again this week after being away for 2 months due to the move and everything around it. Felt really good to do so and I actually enjoy the minor aches during the day which are my body’s way of telling me it’s putting its muscles back in place. 🙂 I’m bizarre that way.

– I’ve got lawn. It’s nice. It’s hard to maintain as I can’t get the sprinklers to co-operate. But it’s nice. happy sigh. Come visit! 🙂

– I’m off next week. Have I mentioned that? I. Can’t. Bloody. Wait. I’m in such dire need of time away that I’m starting to feel loopy. I’ve got some fun stuff planned with the kids but I also will need to take some time to myself to catch up on some other “computer” stuff. Alan! You will have your file next week! This I promise! Your File, or a Vial of my Blood for which you can burn in a pyre or something!

(have I mentioned I’m feeling loopy?)

– Now that Chantale’s finished the latest Harry Potter, I’m allowed to finish it, too 🙂 Passed the 400 mark and am thoroughly enjoying it 🙂

And now, before I get this thing any longer (and thus lose whomever I haven’t lost at this point already!), I will depart with another Quote/Thought:

La vita non é nulla sensa l’amicizia
– Cicerone

Life is nothing without friends
– Cicerone

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