burn baby burn…

I’m feeling bizarre today. Almost as though I’m in something of a fog and can’t get a clear picture of what’s going on. Strange.

After getting off the train this morning, I made my way to Pharmaprix to get my tram pass for next month. I decided to spend the extra 10 bucks to get a pass that will get me to St. Anne (after which I can walk the 10kms home). But, the passes weren’t in yet. It’s only the 25th after all. I thought it was the 27th. Oh boy.

Walking to work, every time I got to a street I wanted to cross, the light would be red. So, I went with the flow and ended up meeting a young couple from Equador who are vacationing in town. They asked to have their photograph taken and I did so, happily. They looked really happy together and happy to be in Montreal so there was no way I could refuse 🙂

At work, I’ve been busy trying to get stuff in order and busy trying to get a doctor’s appointment. I saw my Doc last week for a referral to a dermatologist. I have this white patch on the side of my neck which occasionally burns. It’s burning today. And it seems to be spreading. The doc he referred me to only takes appointments starting in September. No way I can wait that long. Someone in my team came to tell me he was going to be late tomorrow as he’s going to see his doc for treatment of his hand. Turns out it’s a dermatologist. I get his name and number and he’s actually in the clinic that is in the same building as my Doctor (and Dentist, and Podiatrist). So, I call my doc and tell them I need a referral to this doc. The nurse attempts to call the original referrals but couldn’t get anything better. So, after I spoke with them, I got an appointment with my teammate’s dermatologist and my doc will write me a referral that I’ll pick up next week when I go see my Podiatrist. phew. It’s a month from now, but that’s better than 3.

Out of curiosity, I decided to see if I could find anything on the web. I scanned through the dermatologist forum and found a few comments which seem very similar to what I have. If it is the same, it’s basically a fungus of some kind which can be successfully treated. That’s good to know. I just wish I knew what I could put on it in the meantime…

Now, it’s almost lunchtime and I’m feeling a little groggy and out of it. I guess I should go try to get myself some food…

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