quick update

…because otherwise i’ll rip out my eyeballs and use them as ping pongs.

-I went to the Dentist yesterday and got a thorough scrubbing. BUT, I had no cavities. That is very neat. Especially with my chocolate cravings. 🙂

-Last week I bought Chantale the Season 2 DVD set of Mad About You. We love that series and enjoy snuggling up at nights and catching an episode or two. Much fun 🙂 But also quite tired. First time in a while we’ve been in bed and asleep by 9:30pm!!

-Past weekend was a really nice Father’s Day. I was awoken to lots of hugs, laughs, kisses, and gifts! Breakfast in bed (so sweet! my little munchkins each made me a different kind of toast) followed by gifts they made at school: Froggie Pencil Holders! How cute is that? 🙂 Chantale surprised me with the Babylon 5 “Gathering/ In The Beginning” DVD as well as Season 2. Wow. Totally blew my mind. And how was this done with me around all the time? Easy. Saturday while shopping at Future Shop, she got James to pretend he had to go to the bathroom. He asked me, I took him, and ended up waiting in there with him for about 5 minutes. In the meantime, Chantale and Melyssa paid for the DVDs. Nice use of Kid Antics 🙂

-We ushered at church again on Sunday which was really nice. A new family was there for a baptism and they really enjoyed the service. While there we realized that we’ve ushered for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day this year 🙂

-Afterwards, lunch at my folks. Counting: myself, James, Melyssa, Chantale, her parents, my sister and her husband, my brother, his wife, and new daughter, and my parents. Big meal, big table, lots of chatting, and the Grand Prix 🙂 Mondo cool 🙂

-Supper was at my in-laws with just myself, Chantale, and her sister Sylvie. She headed out to Kingston to take on the role of Manager at La Vie En Rose at a store there. Kind of a hands-on training for 3 months after which she should come back to town. Again, another nice and delicious meal.

-By the end of the day, we were all, obviously, exhausted 🙂

Et voila. Now back to work!

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