running running running

Hello! It’s me again! 🙂

Updates? Gee, where do I start? I can’t believe how long I’ve been away! Not only from LJ, but from computers and everything!! And I don’t have time to write up a proper entry so I’m just going to type this up quickly before my next meeting!!!

Last Thursday and Friday, I, and all other managers, were away at a conference for work. Really good sessions I must say and also a chance to get to know everyone (including the VPs and Senior VPs… always a good thing 🙂 )

Friday night, the kids and I headed out to Jackson Dodds camp for a Beavers/ Cubs weekend camping trip! Lots of black flies and humidity, but an overall nice weekend.

Yesterday, back to work and LOTS of it!

I’ve basically been on the go since 5am on Thursday and am still going! Basically, in between each of these last sentences, there were about 4 or 5 other things that needed to be (and were!) done. I slept really well last night, but still only 5 hours worth (which, really, was somewhat of a record in the last week!). Chantale and I kept clearing out the garage and filling up the basement! 🙂

I’m still very much in the “holy hell” type of mindframe as I realize I still have lots of other deadlines looming (including Comicopia next Friday… and I haven’t unpacked the latest issue yet!!! ack!!!)

On the more positive side, Chantale’s convocation ceremony is this Friday. Yay her! 🙂 Quite proud of her getting her Bachelor’s after all the BS she had to put up with in the last 3 years!

On the house front, things are progressing very nicely. It’s getting “home-y-er” every day 🙂 Heck, we came home yesterday and were surprised to find our gutters were installed! They’re the perfect color and blended in SO well it’s hard to actually see them! Very cool!! 🙂 Of course, the bill will be here soon and we received our Welcome Tax to pay. And so, pay we shall 🙂 It’s crazy watching all that money go flying about…

Gotta go gotta go gotta go…

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