
internal clock all screwy. beautiful thundershowers and lightning last night. but this morning, woke up at 4am thinking it was 6am. couldn’t get back to sleep. got up at 5:30am and left at 6am in order to take the car in to have its front shocks replaced.

got downtown at 7:20am but couldn’t find parking and ended up getting into work at 7:45am. needless to say, right now, I’m exhausted.

oh and I saw all the shad-flys on the villa maria today. ick. is it shad-fly season already? man those things STINK when they all die en masse and get smooshed by passing cars, trucks, bikes, people. very very ick. glad I don’t have them surrounding the building like I used to when I worked for the Navy.

coffee didn’t help. should go hunting other cubicles to see if i can scrounge up something sugary…

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