Hello! Remember me? 🙂 I feel like I’ve disappeared! What with everything going on and all the stuff I have to do… it’s insane!!
I won’t give you all the gory details (of which there are many) but maybe I’ll upload something I wrote about it for Comicopia some day 🙂 Maybe next issue when I write the sequel! Because, there is a sequel you see. I won’t spoil the story, but I will tell you the ending to it:
We’re getting the house. 🙂
We’re going to the Notary on Friday to sign it and get the keys. We are moving in on SATURDAY.
Can you freaking believe it?!!!
My brain feels like it’s going to implode and then explode (and boy that sounds familiar!). But, it’s all going to happen. What an ordeal. What a crazy, crazy period of time. Wow. I never thought I could EVER get into so MUCH debt. Life always has a way of surprising you … 🙂
Oh yeah. I got the $$$ amounts I have to dish out on Friday. Yowtch. Really. Yowtch!! I don’t even MAKE that much money!! Aye Caramba.
I’m gonna go pass out now 🙂