
It’s nerves.

Obviously, it’s nerves.

I wake up every morning and regardless of how I slept, my brain immediately gets bombarded by all the activities I have to do and see coming up in the future.

Just as a quick example of what went through my head this morning:

– Have to confirm something with the bank
– Have to confirm the review with the Real Estate Agent
– Have to set up a meeting with my Lawyer
– Have to get Comicopia in the mail
– Have to leave early Friday to pick up the kids
– Gymnastics for Melyssa and Beavers for both of them on Saturday
– Possibly drive kids back early on Sunday night
– May 1st tentatively set as signing date at Notary
– May 3rd weekend might begin moving in! Otherwise, May 9th weekend
– May 7th is the Standard Life Commercial Casting Audition
– May 14th is my birthday – might be moving!
– May 16th weekend moving offices from Rene Levesque and Guy to Stanley
– May 22nd is my LOMA 290 exam

etc etc etc.

It’s no wonder I’m a bundle of nerves and wake up feeling sick. Oy. I need a vacation!

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