The Search for Coffee
So, lunchtime rolls around and I feel lost. I’m still so “out there” that I can’t make a decision on what I want to do. I finally decide to grab a pen and a pad of paper and make my way to A.L. Van Houtte downstairs. Won’t bother with the jacket even if it’s raining since it’s just two steps away.
I dash across the building and find it closed. Rats. Dash back and climb back up to my desk to get my jacket and umbrella. I leave again and decide to head for the new Starbucks at the Faubourg. Full. Rats. Keep moving to the Second Cup at the corner of Guy and St. Catherine’s. Full. Rats.
Finally decide on Tim Horton’s but realize it’ll probably be full with Concordia students. Decide to risk it.
Get to Timmie’s and manage to get the last available seat. Sadly, it’s near the cash register and thus near the smoking room. Within 10 minutes, I stink of smoke and am fed up of having to hear students complaining about classes and marks as well as having a constant line-up waiting to get their orders. Bah.
Get out and walk back to work in the rain. At least it’s quiet. I get to my desk feeling more bleah than ever. But, at least my coffee’s really good. mmm. French Vanilla. mmmm.
I struggle with my Roll-Up-The-Rim-To-Win cup… but don’t win anything. Oh well. The last time I won a cookie, it ended up making me ill. So I shouldn’t complain 🙂
Thoughts for the day:
“To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another”
– G. W. Von Leibnicz
“Amare è mettere la nostra felicità nella fellicità di un altro”
– G. W. Von Leibnicz
“Time can never destroy what affection has built”
– Anonymous
“Il temp non potrà mai distruggere ciò che l’affetro ha costruito.”
– Anonimo
“Words are eternal: when spaking them or writing them, be aware of their eternity”
– Anonymous
“Le parole sono eterne: pronunciandole, scrivendole, sii consapevole della loro eternità ”
– Anonimo