
Well, I’m home now. Left work at noon to go spend the next couple of hours at Saint Justin Hospital with Melyssa. She was in good spirits and we passed the time together drawing pictures and learning words on her magic sketching pad. It was a nice break from the realities of life to just be able to spend some one-on-one time with my daughter. I could tell she had a blast with all the “I Love You, Daddy”s thrown my way 🙂

Sweet little pumpkin, after her ventolin dosages at 3pm, she fell asleep shortly thereafter. I left her at about 3:35pm sleeping soundly and peacefully…

On the “House” Front, things are progressing along nicely! All documentations are pretty much almost complete. Picking up some more tonight, signing some more on Thursday night, and within the next week or so, we may be making some final signatures…. which means… oh.my.GOD… 🙂

More later.

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