you have to be amazed at humankind’s ability to live as a ping-pong ball.
all weekend, going crazy inside with excitement over the prospect of owning a home.
all monday morning, going crazy with waiting for news.
all monday afternoon, going crazy with glee at getting the news.
all monday evening, going nuts with trying to work out all the paperwork and worrying about what the bank did/could do to us.
all this morning, still going nuts over the necessary paperwork and funds.
and now, all beat up and exhausted, i get the news that Melyssa had to be admitted to Saint Justine’s last night and will probably be there for a few days because of asthma. she’s been on the oxygen mask since last night and her oxygen-blood-flow still isn’t at a reasonable level. crap.
my head feels like it’s just going to explode and then implode…