@#$@# Money!

Yeah, I’m boiling a little right now. Chantale and I did our taxes last night which was pretty good. It’s nice to know we’ll be getting a bit of money back. It’ll help, of course, to pay off expenses.

This morning, however, seems one rife with aggravation. I called up IOF Forresters to cancel the Life Insurance Policy I have with them since, of course, I have one with Standard Life. Turns out there’s a 20-year termination penalty on the bloody policy! I never knew about this! That effing agent sure pulled a fast one on me back in 1999!!! If I cancel it today, it will COST me $802.68 !!! And the cash surrender value is only $106.27 !!! And I’ve already paid into this policy over $480 !!! Bloody hell!!!! Is THAT the only way they can hold onto clients? By LOCKING them in???!!!

I wish I had taken my LOMA courses 10 years ago instead of last year. Then I wouldn’t have been shafted the way I am feeling right now.

I also wish I were working for Standard Life way back then, too. Then I at least would have known better. At least WE keep our clients because of our products and service; not through underhanded tricks.

I’m just really frustrated right now and would love to hit something. grrrrr….

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