Good_Enough Safe and Sound :)

Finally got in contact with who reassured me that she was ok. She deleted her LJ because she needed a break from it. In her own words, she’s “…doing quite fine” 🙂

In other news…

I gave my first presentation at work today. Weird. I was sure I’d done stuff like this before (actually, I know I have 🙂 ) but it was the first time I had to present something written by someone ELSE! That threw me off a little. As did the fact that it wasn’t only to my team, but a few other teams as well.

Anyhow, I will admit to being a little anxious about it but now that it’s over and done with, I’m fine 🙂

Work, as always, has been really busy. There are times I honestly don’t remember what my home looks like… I sometimes (sometimes) wish I could go back to just working alone in my little corner with no one to bother me 🙂 (Doesn’t last long, though, as I quickly got bored of that routine 🙂 ).

Not much else to say except that I’m Hungry!!!!!!

I should go out and hunt for food…

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