I’m in a rockin’ mood today 🙂 I’m party tired from going to bed after midnight again last night, but then again, that’s also why I’m in a rockin’ mood 🙂
I got a video copy of the other 3 television spots yesterday and they are GREAT!!! Honestly! Anyone who’s seen the other 30 second spots will be pleasantly surprised at the minor changes to them. all the employees come off as relaxed and calm. It’s really nice to see! And the closed captioning sponsorship ones are very nice. I laughed out loud when I saw my face opening one of them 🙂
Outside of the weeks of april 7, may 5, and may 12th, I’ll be on air until the first week of june. Rock and roll 🙂
closed captions can be seen quite often on NEWSWORLD with splashes here and there on Newsnet, Showcase, TSN, and History (China Beach is still a given! 🙂 ) The 30 second spots are everywhere. CH Montreal (global), CFCF news mainly, CKMI, CBMT, etc etc. It’s a really big push!
Heck, we’ll also be running during the Stanley Cup on CBMT 🙂 And if you watch David Letterman, 24, or The Agency on CH Montreal, there I’ll be 🙂
anyhow, gotta run now. Loma course time!!! Ciao!