I have to say something. Some of you already know this of me so my comment probably comes as no surprise. I like being the boss. 🙂
Yes, the workload is quite large and the days are jam-packed so much that I can’t ever finish everything I get every day. I have no choice but to spread my work out and hope I can get most things done.
But, being in charge really agrees with me.
I love having a team I can depend on. I love being involved in a zillion projects and not only having my say as to what goes on, but placing my mark on them, too. I find that although I may sometimes get bogged down and slightly stressed over the amount of work (ie; things left undone), I’m generally quite happy to be here. In fact, although there may have been a day or two in the last few months where I didn’t “feel” like coming in to work, it has NEVER been because I didn’t like the work. Rather, it’s been because I needed a break. I still went in, though. Having people depend on you brings with it somewhat of a motivational responsibility 🙂
One of the really nice things? Outside of some concerns over my searching for a new employee to fill a vacant position, I have not taken any work home with me in at least the last 3 months (basically since I was officially appointed).
Ok, end of babblefest. I just wanted to confirm that I acknowledge the fact that being in charge and guiding and helping employees agrees with me. 🙂 I gave my first employee review today and it went really well. Next one in 2 months! 🙂