At Beavers this past weekend, I was once again asked if I would consider become a full-fledged Leader (as opposed to the Volunteer Leader I currently am). I replied that I had thought about it a couple of times but wasn’t sure I’d be able to devote all the necessary time to it (I am, as many of you have found out, quite a busy person. Busier than I probably should be. What the heck, it keeps me young 🙂 ). I ended off with my standard: “besides, you’re more than enough leaders, you don’t need me”. To which I was quickly informed (after a brief halleluia chorus) that a spot was opening up. I was a shocked to learn of the position, I must admit, and told them I’d really have to think about it. Again, I was told to seriously consider it as I would be great for the kids. Kind of nice to hear things like that, you know? 🙂
Baby it’s Cold out there…
Chantale started working today at Scotia Bank’s Westmount branch. I accompanied her in this AM, happy for her and also happy to have a morning travelling companion again 🙂 She’d been nervous and a little stressed about starting this morning but last night’s long chat at Second Cup (mokachino and white mokachino rock!) and then just lying in bed softly chatting while listening to Sarah Mclachlan really helped ease both of us. I dropped her off at 8:15am (she started at 8:30am) and then walked to work (from Greene + St. Cath’s to Rene Levesque + Guy Concordia). I could barely feel my legs within 2 minutes!!!! It felt like my pants were being glued onto my legs with ice!!! At the same time, though, it felt good to have an early morning fast-walk. I could easily do this every morning 🙂 It’ll help keep me in shape 🙂 I hope she has a good day and have been sending her “feel good” vibes at all times (feel free to send your own!). She’s an incredible worker and is really efficient so I have no worries about her there. Plus, her supervisor seems to be on the same wavelength as her in terms of work ethics so I see that as a big positive. I look forward to hearing about her day tonight. Hopefully she won’t be too tired tonight. That way, I can take her out to supper after work. Maybe go to Vieux Duluth and bring along a bottle of Berenger’s Founder’s Estate Chardonnay… 🙂
Wedding Stuff:
Plenty to say! Been babbling it along to everyone I spoke with today (so far) and it’s not ending! 🙂 Just have to sit down and write it all up 🙂 It’s coming, don’t worry! Oh yeah, forgot to mention in my other message that the Registry has all been taken care of, too. We have one at The Linen Chest (although they’re not ready on the internet like they originally promised to be) and at The Bay which has a great online registry! Obviously, all this is a big Wish List put together for family who asked us to do so 🙂
More later!