This week has been crazy/ great with Wedding Stuff. In fact, we’ve gotten through a LOT and have finalized tons. Chantale’s been great in using her last free week off to make plenty of calls in order to get things in motion. I’ve got lots to say, but just not the time tonight. But, we’ve hit upon many last-minute items: Tux, Invitations, Flowers, etc etc. There has been one huge item taken care of (and I’m sure you all can guess) – but I’m gonna leave you hanging for a bit longer until tomorrow 🙂
It’s all very exciting! 🙂 We spent a couple of hours at Second Cup on Monkland tonight just chattering away about it all. It’s wonderful having a place where the two of us can just chill out and totally relax 🙂 I am definitely the luckiest man alive to be getting married to Chantale 🙂 She is definitely an incredibly positive influence on my life. As it’s been said, when everything is right, you just “know”. Well, we both “know” 🙂 Life is Beautiful, and ours is going to be absolutely Wonderful 🙂
I can easily keep chattering away, but, since we both work tomorrow, we should get some sleep. G’night!