The WORD just came down!! “Bus Stop” was APPROVED by ACTRA and given the GO!!!!! They’ll be providing us the camera and help with editing and we just have to provide them a finished film by June 1st, 2003!!!!! Step 2 is now done (Step 1 was the actual submission process approval), and next comes Step 3 (working out the details) and then step 4 (shooting the film)!!!! Yeah, Baby!!!! 🙂
For those who want to know more, here’s the info from the ACTRA Montreal Website:
With the new Member Initiated Production agreement available to encourage our members to produce their own films, what better than a film festival to showcase some of those creative juices.
ACTRA Montreal is proud to announce the first annual ACTRA Shorts competition – a short film festival for ACTRA Montreal members. How do you make an ACTRA Short? Easy. On your own, or in a team, members fill out an application, submit it with your script for approval and shoot. Finalists will be chosen from submissions and a jury will then choose a winner. Finally, to coincide with ACTRA’s 60th Anniversary celebrations next year, the shorts will be shown at the 2003 Annual General Meeting and a prize will be awarded to the winning film. It’s a great way to express yourself, have some fun and celebrate 60 years of ACTRA.
Obviously, I’ve pretty much spent the last hour Jumping for Joy all over the office!!! 🙂