You know what? It’s tough. It really is. As I made my way around Maxi tonight, filling up my grocery cart with necessities of life (varieties of food), that’s all I could think of. Bagging my groceries after dishing out over $100 in less than 20 minutes, all I could think of was: this is tough.
You know how it is. Some days just seem like a real struggle to get through. And then I get home and there’s a voicemail message from someone who wants something from me by tomorrow and yet she could just as easily have told me this bit of information on MONDAY when she called and left me a voicemail message at work… AT 10:30PM!!!!!
On the bright side, I got Chantale’s last postcard today from New Zealand 🙂 On an even brighter side, she should hopefully be coming home tomorrow. [fingers crossed] that she’s able to get on the plane home from Vancouver…