I’m very close to finally shedding everything off my Pentium-133 system. Yup, it’s an oldie (about 5 years) and for the last 3 it’s basically been the Kids’ Game Computer. But now, I’ve been scouring its hard drive looking for what stuff I’ve put there that hasn’t been transferred over yet (don’t laugh. Only a couple of months ago I found a couple of programs I had written to which I required the source code… and there it was!). I think I’ve gotten it down to an easy directory wherein I can transfer it off to my new system. After that, it’s adios-muchachos. So, the question is, like the one of a few weeks ago: does anyone want a P-133 system? 2 gig drive, 64Meg ram. Only problem is a non-functioning CD drive. If you want it, raise your hand. Otherwise I’ll kick it off my balcony as I did with the two 386s and the 486.
Strangely enough, there are a handful of people I’d like to visit with in Ottawa. Were I able to leave earlier, I would have. However, I can’t leave before noon and thus must make do 🙂
All right, back to the cleaning up. Have to fold those 4 loads of laundry I did last night 🙂