I just spoke with the kids’ mother who told me that they’re both doing fine. James calmed down shortly after I left and they began telling her stories of Camp. *sigh*
Ok, speaking of camping, I wanted to write up a couple of funny/cute/memorable incidents regarding this weekend. Forgive the free-flowing ideas 🙂
James: While coming back from our hike on Saturday, I was walking with him and teaching him a camping song I was making up on the spot. He enjoyed it and we taught it to another Beaver (Matthew) and we all sang it together. That night, during our Sock Puppet Theatre, James and I (using knapsack Digimons -Agumon and Gabumon) sang the song for everyone. What a laugh! 🙂
Melyssa: She was one of the best snow-shoers there! 🙂 Saturday night, she passed out during Campfire Stories and at 4am Sunday, I hear her cry out for me. I go over to her bunk and find that she’s dug her way deep INTO her sleeping bag. I pull her out and ask her what’s wrong. She tells me that she can’t sleep because one of the Leaders (Lightning) was snoring too loudly. That morning during breakfast, she told me she won’t come back to camp if Lightning was gonna be there snoring again 🙂
I’m really hoping the pictures come out nicely!! 🙂