A New Week Begins!

I’m still tired. I guess I’m a lot more tired than I believed! Heck, I didn’t get a chance to finish the movie last night! I sat down in the living room, lights off, candles on, wine in glass and pasta in bowl and giggled myself silly to Hudson Hawk. 90 minutes later I’m feeling very sleepy and stretch out. Next thing I know, it’s 11pm and the house is quiet. I turn off the television, DVD player, and stereo and the next thing I know, it’s 1am. I figure I may as well drag myself to bed. Why is it the minute I hit the pillow I’m suddenly wide awake??? I tossed and turned for half an hour before getting up for something to drink. I manage to fall asleep but at 6am I just CAN’T get up. Snooze once and then finally turn off the alarm. 7am I try again to no avail. Set the alarm again for 7:25am and at that time, although still exhausted, I force myself up.

I manage to get myself ready for work and also check my email. Good thing because there were a few emails from Chantale who’s still having a blast and now made me envious when I read about all the sailboats and the America Cup races going on. She promises we’ll go back in a couple of years 🙂

Well, the emails spruce me up and I’m out the door by 8am. Been having a busy morning so far as there’s a lot to get ready for this month with dozens of meetings and new projects and transfers and hirings, etc etc. Yup, I’m hiring so if anyone’s a solid Java Programmer with experience in Unix and Relational Databases (Oracle, Access) who’d be interested in Application Support, drop me a line 🙂

Ok, back to business. Check in later!

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