Rested and Pumped! :)

I’m still wet from my very enjoyable bubble bath 🙂 I’ve been looking forward to taking one for a while now. I knew tonight wouldn’t pass without one 🙂 I took the kids to James’ friend’s house to drop off the birthday gift we had gotten for him and then I took them back to their mother’s. I think I was the strongest ever dropping them off after being with me a week. It wasn’t until after I hugged and kissed them good-bye and they were walking away that I said to them, “I really enjoyed my week with you”. That’s when the first of only a handful of tears escaped (small smile).

From there, I went to fill up (found a PetroCan for 79.9 instead of 82.5) and then I headed to the gym for a short but intensive workout. It felt really good, but not good enough. I know what I needed and I wouldn’t get any of that there. I hopped back in the car and came home. Set the television to Galaxy (80’s) and piped it through the stereo for louder enjoyment. I’m in a really great set right now as they’ve been playing 80’s alternative the entire time. With this very enjoyable music, it was easy to get pumping. Machines can never replace free weights. No bloody way. The joy from the exersion of lifting barbells and dumbells just can’t be mimicked with a machine. Also, since I knew there was nobody downstairs, I was able to do some jumping and cardio which is really invigorating!

Finally, I felt I was properly worked up and cooled down some. And then heated up again as I slipped into my (last) bubblebath! Yup, all out! Gotta go buy some more! 🙂

So, sitting here in my bathrobe and starting to feel the twinge of hunger (when did I last eat again?… (grin) relax, it was lunchtime! 🙂 ), I’m in the perfect mood for the perfect movie (I don’t care what anyone else thinks): Hudson Hawk!

Now I’m just gonna wait until there’s a lull in the music (Thompson Twins just came on, Joe Jackson before, Elvis Costello before that, Cindy Lauper previously, The Jam ahead, etc etc etc.) 🙂 In the meantime, I can just get myself ready with either a Cappuccino… or a B-52 :>

Bombers Away!! 🙂

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