Shagadelic baby

I’ve gotta get used to this whole DVD thing. Used to be I’d pop a movie in, watch it, and then move along. Not so any more. Nope, you slap in the DVD, watch the movie, and then spend the next couple of hours going through the goodies. Yee gads. Of course, when it’s something you really like (Austin Powers, for example) with an actor you really like (Mike Myers, for example), it becomes difficult to switch it off 🙂

But, the best part of the movie was getting a phone call from my in-laws asking if I’d spoken with Chantale because they’d just received an email from her. Since I had last checked my mail just before starting Austin, I thought she might be online that very moment. Thus, the movie went on pause, and the connection to the net re-established.

Sure enough, she was online and we were able to exchange quick emails for a few minutes 🙂 Tres cool 🙂 She’s all done with Auckland and is ready to head off to Christchurch. Of course, that’s only happening in a few days 🙂 She’s having a blast and promises that we’ll do it together in a couple of years. 🙂

And now, with 1am coming and going, it’s time for bed. Beavers in the morning and then I’m hoping for a lazy Saturday afternoon 🙂

By the way, one cool thing about the DVD is that I can actually watch a DVD while using my vcr to tape something from LOOK. Very handy 🙂

“Wherever you go, there you are!” Good night folks!

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