At the gym last night I encountered something I never expected to. A girl comes out of the locker area talking on her cell phone and does NOT stop until I’m almost finished my workout almost a half hour later!! I watched her using the step machine and kept asking myself: is she here to work out her body, or her MOUTH? Pathetic. After I was done, I couldn’t wait to hit the showers. Not just to wash the sweat off of me, but to get that image out of my head. Don’t know why it aggravated me so much, but it did.
Anyhow, driving home I decided that I wanted to stop off at Maxi’s in order to pick up some food. The closer I got to it, the more I realized I wanted to get everything I needed to put together some great meals for the upcoming week. So, from an expected trip of picking up a few items, I ended up spending over $125 on food!!! A lot of money, but what a stash! Fresh chicken breast so I can bake a chicken-mozzarella-salami in mushroom sauce recipe… mmm… Ravioli, 3 cheese tortellini, maple syrup ham, delisio rising-crust pizza (really incredible!), fish sticks, chicken sticks, some new flavors of Lipton Sidekicks (they really help!), lots of juices, bagels, butter, eggos, ground beef (for some hamburger helper!), salad, nachos, yogurts, and I even surprised Chantale with a Rainbow Sorbet 🙂
Speaking of Chantale, with all the hectic craziness of exams and whatnot, we’ve spent the last couple of nights in a nice relaxing way. When it’s time to get to bed, we’ll unwind for a bit with me lying on my back, reading some comics, and she’ll lie with her head on my chest so we could read them together. The best part of this very cozy experience is giving her background info/lessons on the heroes and stories we’re reading 🙂 *happy sigh*