Busy Weekend Coming Up…

Class is going quite well. In fact, we’re ahead of schedule and will thus be finishing early today. Which is great for me since Chantale and I have to go pick up the kids from school, rush home and grab a quick meal, and head over to the Beavers meeting as Melyssa will finally be getting invested tonight! 🙂 This should be really fun for her 🙂

Afterwards… we drive Chantale to her parents’ place as she’s house and dog sitting. The kids and I come back home and I get them into bed as tomorrow morning begins another hectic schedule of: driving Melyssa to Gymnastics, picking her up from Gymnastics so she and James can go to Beavers, driving home for lunch, driving James to his 1st Communion class, go (probably) visit my sister with Melyssa, pick him up, drive to meet up with Chantale for supper! On Sunday, more than likely go to church in the morning and then we’re driving back to the East End to meet up with some friends and other Beaver volunteers for a 1pm showing of Harry Potter!

Basically, I’m glad the local Petro Canada has gas down at 69.4 today as I’ll need a full tank for this weekend’s travelling!!! (I didn’t mention all the driving I’ll be doing, just most of it 🙂 )

On top of all that, there’s homework and studying to take care of! Boy, it’s a good thing that we had such a relaxing weekend last weekend as things will be hopping this time :>

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