Quick Updates

– Star Wars II – Attack of the Clones on IMAX was incredible! It more than lived up to my hopes and turned into quite a thrilling spectacle! Plus, being a Tuesday, it was a wonderful surprise to only pay $7.50 for it 🙂

– Day 2 of class. Interesting stuff, although not overly difficult. I feel this course could have easily been condensed into 2 days from 3.

– I’m… exhausted. I actually had to talk to my teacher this morning and basically tell him that if he noticed my eyes closing, it wasn’t because of him, but that I hadn’t slept enough.

– I’m feeling a little ill. I don’t believe the fact that I had my fourth small cup of coffee is to blame. I drank them down not because I was hungry/thirsty (far from it) but because I need the boost to keep me going.

– I’m cold.

– I want to go to bed.

– Don’t ask.

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