Looks Promising…

I just got back from my last LOMA 280 class. This was the class we reviewed last year’s exam to see how we measured up. I’m happy to report that even though I haven’t read anything beyond the 1st chapter in the book, and only got through the notes of the first 8 lessons last night, I managed to score an 83.9979 on the test exam. This, of course, gives me quite the lift for when I get to take the actual exam on December 10th. The only problem I have now is ensuring I don’t forget anything by that time! After all, these days 3 weeks is like a mini-lifetime! 🙂

Of course, now, I’m all bleary-eyed again as the staying-up-late of last night has kicked in and my morning’s coffee already gone out of my bloodstream. So, it’s time for another coffee. I have to stay awake since I’m heading out to the Paramount tonight for an IMAX presentation of Star Wars 2 – Attack of the Clones. 🙂 The idea alone of being thrust into the SW Universe in glorious IMAX starts me drooling. It has a lot to live up to!! 🙂

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