
I’m so exhausted I almost passed out during my class. Even now my eyes feel so heavy I wonder how I’m going to get through the next 2 hours. And I’ve already got 3 coffees in my system. *sigh*

And I just wrote up a long email to in regards to my BBS, The Savage Land. We are no longer in the “salad days” of BBSing. 1991-1994 is way gone. All our fervent and loyal callers have moved out of town or simply stopped BBSing once the Internet became so prevalent. Now, the board is a ghost-town. It’s staying active simply because it does not interfere with anything and doesn’t cost me anything. The system, games, files, etc have been paid off years ago. But no one comes knocking any more. Every couple of months, though, an “old-time BBSer” will dial us up and completely freak out over the fact that TSL still accepts calls. There’s a sense of pride in that but they don’t really find themselves getting back into the habit of calling regularly and soon fade away again.

I have to face facts: The Savage Land Bulletin Board System will soon have to close its doors. I’ve been “missing” it for a long time, even while it’s active. But the thought that the computer will go silent fills me with the blues… When the time comes, I hope some of the old users will want to meet up at Picasso’s like we used to on a regular basis to toast its memory. Outside of that, I’ll keep some of the more important posts from the Archives and probably just upload them on my web site. But then, the jungle will cease to be. Ending another era of the early electronic communication age…

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