Work Praise

Hey! I spoke with my manager today who filled me in on what he thinks of the work I’ve been doing the last couple of months. For those who don’t remember, I’ve been filling in as Interim Team Leader while my Supervisor was on a leave of absence. Well, my boss let me know how very happy he is with what I’ve been doing and is very happy to see how well I’ve taken to being in charge and how the Team is doing great. I’ve had praise before but more in a general way. Today’s was the first time I got to hear how my boss sees me in a new/different role. It was quite satisfying to realize that he does indeed see me in the role of Team Leader which is quite different from Systems Analyst. Basically, he now has tangible proof of my past management experience and it agrees with him. This, of course, bodes well for the future 🙂

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