As always, when it comes to the “Inbox Bunnies” there’s nothing like returning to work after being away for a week. It’s almost as if all the work that’s been sitting there suddenly decides to get frisky. And before you know it, Project A begat Sub-Project c, Project B begat Sub-Projects 3 and 12, Project C begat Project Omega, and so on and so on.
{long breath}
Hi. I just basically spent the entire day doing administrative type work. In other words, document updating on the status of all on-going projects (trying to mix-and-match all my notes with the dozens of spawned emails), as well as preparing a new outline/ format and fully-functional and complete agenda for the next meeting. It’s all done, though, so that feels good. That’s about 75% of my work load for today. Another 10% will be on updating some other material as well as laying out a new plan for some specific checks that need to be performed. The other 15% will be contacting a few dozen people to get updates on the stages of the various on-going projects.
Sounds completely insane and almost a nightmare. But you know what? I can honestly say I’m not stressed about it. I have it all under control and it didn’t take me any extraordinary amount of overtime to do it in. Just a few extra hours today. No biggie as I doubt there’ll be any need for more this week. So basically, I can get back into the regular swing of things tomorrow. (famous last words?)
Ok, enough. I’m gonna grab my things and head on home. Chantale’s had herself a rough night of studying for her mid-term today and is probably at home zonked out trying to recover… long enough to write up a summary paper that’s due tomorrow. So, it’s time to go home and get supper started 🙂
Btw, look for a contemplative entry on housework later on this week 🙂