Greetings and Salivations! (I’m eating a juicy apple, what can I say?
Got myself scheduled for a flu shot next month. Yowtch! I haven’t had a needle inserted into me since my Tattoo!! … well, actually, that’s not true. I have gone for blood tests. Oh well. You get the picture
VB Class is going good today. And there aren’t as many problems at the office as yesterday either. So that’s good After all, I can’t pass out again as I have Theology class tonight which makes it a LONG day downtown.
(actually, considering the amount of classes I’m taking at and for work, I could almost become a full-time student!!! )
You actually have to be working for quite a number of years before you begin to realize how enjoyable school is. Even the homework… A crazy thing to say? Perhaps. But true nontheless